Aug 19, 2008

We Want To Hear From You

Please feel free to leave comments. We're looking for words of wisdom, funny sayings, questions for the soon to be parents, suggestions for the blog... Anything! Thanks to all those that have taken advantage of this feature.

Baby Update: Week 35

I was finally able to make it to one of my acupuncture appointments, it's been well over a month and boy was it great. If I can suggest one thing to pregnant women out there (actually it applies to you non-preggers girls too, I've been going for years), that's definitely to seek alternative methods to get the comfort you need during this very laborious process. Not only does it ease aches and pains, but it is the best way to de-stress... You start to feel your body working properly rather than chugging along.

Next appointment is next Tuesday, upcoming doctor visit is also next week on Thursday. Now how to convince Kris to let my acupuncturist be there during delivery?

1 comment:

William Nobles said...

Words of Wisdom- A great nurse told us "This too shall pass" during the 27 hour labor.
We think about that whenever things get stressful, and it always passes!