Jul 30, 2008

A morning in the life of an 8 month pregnant woman.

There is a blog written by http://work-girl.blogspot.com/ that portrays my frustrations of this day, it’s titled “Chivalry Is Dead (But Only in the Mornings)” dated July 24th, 2008. A fabulous read if you get a chance.

I apologize in advance for my, probably hormone driven rant but even living in this small city I am beginning to loose all hope for humanity.

Being a proud MAX commuter I run into more and more instances every day that convince me of an overall lack of chivalry in the modern day society. Take this morning for example, a typical 30-minute ride for me. ten minutes in and I'm still standing. Lloyd Center tends to be a popular stop for many and as expected someone got up finally giving me a shot at a seat. I am no racist, but a Hispanic woman cut right in front me to take it... Hmmm, an older workingwoman with who knows how kids at home, taking my seat... I think I can live with that. I then spend the remainder of my 20 minutes standing belly-in-face of a middle-aged man (wedding band and all) that was intently playing a PSP. His lack of acknowledgment dumbfounded me. He had no signs of a disability (other than the obvious), I didn’t know who to feel worse for, myself or his wife. Two stops before mine, the woman sitting next to him got off and I went in for some relief. The man’s smile was beyond what I had needed at this point so when he nudged me and told me that it was his stop I quietly looked at him, with no sign of hesitation to get up, and mentioned that it was mine as well. I can only imagine what my trip home is going to be like…

My current goal in life, to teach my son some manners!

Jul 27, 2008

Anniversary Weekend Part Deux

Mmmm... Waffles with homemade compote are GOOD (especially when made my your loving husband)!

Yesterday didn't quite go according to plan, but today is a whole new opportunity to make up for some quality time missed. We ended up buying a crib, I finished a sewing project and Kris worked on refurbishing a dresser we bought for pennies. Overall it was a baby-preping day, which we were long overdue for, but hey isn't an anniversary about us...

Today's plan (obviously not set in stone):

Breakfast (Kris' turn to make)

Roses and gifts

To be determined

To be determined


Batman at the IMAX theater (this one is actually my idea and I can't wait!!!)

Jul 26, 2008

Anniversary weekend

So, our anniversary weekend has consisted of sleeping in, a fabulous breakfast and couples gardening therapy. Next on the agenda: Bargain shopping, getting Kris fitted for Toby and Brandi's wedding, dinner at Joe's Crab Shack and... (Classified)

Pregnancy update: the doc says he is head down and ready to go... Now the waiting begins and the toes continue to disappear :o)

Jul 25, 2008

My First Baby Shower!!!

Week 31

My fabulous co-workers at FFA threw me a great party! They know me all too well, I mean what more can a girl ask for than lunch from Pastinis, great gifts and scrapbooking... Ahhh, the essentials of life :)

We are looking forward to taking it easy this weekend and celebrating our first year anniversary (I still can't believe how fast time flies). So far there isn't much on the agenda, something like dinner and a movie (if I can sit that long). Kris has promised me a fabulous vacation next year when we can both enjoy ourselves a little more and will be in dire need of getting away.

My mom is coming next week and I'm thinking we'll be using her expertise to finally buy some baby gear. Currently all we have is a rocker (that needs some TLC), a bassinet, dresser (also a work in progress) and a few accessories for decorating that will need some creative inspiration to put together. Honestly what do babies need anyway?

Jul 3, 2008

We've Registered

Week 28

A true womans philosophy: The best way to avoid the heat is to go shopping (well or window shop in this case).

With my first baby shower date set for July 23rd, we've decided to go ahead and get registered at Babies R Us (click to be directed to the registry website). We're also thinking of signing up at Target, more news about that to come. Use Kris' or my name to find us.

This is Baby's first Toy (it shakes and giggles if you pull the handle), we picked it up on a last minute getaway to Lincoln City in March: