Noah likes to surprise us with milestone accomplishments all at once. Saturday he decided that he no longer needed help with his bottle. He has tried holding it before but he could never prop it up high enough to get anything out, and then suddenly here he is doing it all on his own...
He has also watched us eat very carefully. Every spoonful that went from bowl to mouth was watched to the point that we would feel guilty and have to hide while eating. On a recent outing we had picked up a box of organic baby cereal for the big day; introduction of solids. Saturday Mom just couldn't take it any more, the whining and reaching won her over while eating a bowl of oatmeal. I made a spoonful of his cereal and let him have it. There was no denying it, Noah has hoped for this day for a long time, he was a pro. We made an event of it the next day. Bib - check, bowl - check, baby spoon - check, hungry baby - check check. Not a drop was missed, he leaned into every spoonful, and was rather impatient with the wait in between (we'll post the video as soon as we figure out how to get it off of the camera). Next on the menu, green beans.
Noah also not only slept from 9-7 but did it all by himself in his crib. We're off to see if he does it again tonight... Cross your fingers..
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