Well the shopping is done and the presents are wrapped, baking continues but soon we'll be sitting back to enjoy our goodies. Noah has no idea of whats ahead. He doesn't care for the tree since it's so prickly, the presents have bows and ribbon that stick to little hands so doesn't enjoy those either. But there have been many social gatherings and with 4 teeth coming in all at once it has been wonderful to have distractions for us all. We are all looking forward to spending some quiet time together after the holiday rush next week. Kris will be on vacation and we have no plans, which leaves a lot of time for play... So bring on the snow!

We would love to thank everyone for keeping up with our blog, even though we have not been keeping up with IT. Moments seem to just be flying by so quickly that it's nearly impossible to capture it on film and a lot of times there are just no words to the joys of parenthood. We look forward to the wonders that the new year brings and hope to have more time to share it with you all.
We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year!
Much love,
The Anderjeski's

We would love to thank everyone for keeping up with our blog, even though we have not been keeping up with IT. Moments seem to just be flying by so quickly that it's nearly impossible to capture it on film and a lot of times there are just no words to the joys of parenthood. We look forward to the wonders that the new year brings and hope to have more time to share it with you all.
We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year!
Much love,
The Anderjeski's