This weekend, we celebrated Noah's 6 month birthday by hanging out with a ton of ladies at Brandi's big kick-off for her new Mary Kay business. Much luck to you girl!
Today we took Noah for a check up and to catch up on more vaccinations. yay! It looks like Noah will be joining dad on a high calorie diet to put on a few pounds. Noah weighed in at 12 lbs 7 oz and measured in at 25 1/2 inches, down 3 oz and only 1/2 in. longer from his 4 month check-up. This is a huge change from his monthly gain of 1 pound and growth of 1 inch. He is now in the 5th percentile for height and weight, down from 50th just two months ago. Despite the complications with solids, the doctor suggested that we continue to introduce new foods to him to help with the weight gain, but otherwise continue doing what we're doing because mentally he is thriving perfectly. We're scheduled to return April 13th for a weigh in, if everything improves we won't need to return until his 9 month visit.
On a similar note, we have decided that is it time for me to leave the work force to focus on Noah and being the best mother for him. Kris and I both had working parents for the majority of our childhood and thought it would benefit all of us to nurture the gift of having a full time parent. Kris' mom has faithfully watched Noah while also working full time, we reached a point where it was no longer a functional situation for all of us and made a change right away. So, after 3 1/2 wonderful years of service, I had to say goodbye to all my fellow FFAers last week. Everyone has been nothing but understanding and accommodating through all of our life changes and we are soooo grateful to have had them all in our lives. I wish the best to you all. My biggest thanks goes to Diana Simmons who has showed me some of my talents put to good use and to Karen Moen who has been a huge help and answer to just about any question. Please stay in touch!
Mar 16, 2009
Mar 10, 2009
Happy March 8th (International Women's Day)
Our new toy...
Mom bought me this really cool bouncy thing the other day... Your legs (and sometimes arms) go in the holes and then there's a rim to bite on. It's really colorful. There are lots of toys I can't reach. Sometimes there's music playing but only mom knows how to get it to start. The middle spins but my feet don't reach the bottom to push. I tell yah, I can't wait until I'm big enough to actually play in it, in the mean time it's a good place to hang out/rest while mom is cleaning. I like that I can actually see what she's doing like the big kids get to do.

Solids Continued...
We still love our cereal, but after a few sleepless nights and an evident rash from switching to green beans, Noah is taking some time off from solids or at least until his next doctors appointment on Monday. He is a pro at eating and doesn't pass up an opportunity to take a bite of anything that passed by in front of him, but his belly it would seem, just isn't ready yet. We'll see what the doc says and proceed from there.
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