Week Four:
After a few crying spells and unsuccessful car rides, this feeding frenzy is not a phase. Noah only sleeps if he can sleep on your chest, he prefers to be awake from 10am-2pm, it would seem he was starved in a previous life. All trips must be planned ahead and everyone must be dressed and ready to go within seconds of Noah's feeding, we then have exactly one hour before we must drop everything and feed the hungry monster again. Ugh, if only he wasn't sooo cute :)

Week Three:
First signs of a colicky baby or growth spurt? Noah spends more time being awake and alert, but along with that comes a crazy feeding craze. He eats for an hour every half hour, then sleeps for an hour and a half (if he sleeps at all) then rinse and repeat... After a few sleepless nights we are hoping this is just a phase.

Week Two:
Mom came down with mastitis, with a fever of 102, terrible body aches and fatigue, the family hibernated for the majority of the week. Luckily it didn't phase Noah, by his second doctors appointment he had gained a whole pound and grew 1/2 inch.

Week One:
After leaving the hospital, Mom, Dad and Baby Noah spent most of their time sleeping, eating and settling into being at home. Sleep was a bit sparse and visitors came and went every day, but by the end of the week we had most of the daily routine down. Mom's milk came in by day 3 and by day 4 Noah was already back to his birth weight. The doctor was glad to see Noah doing so well and adapting so quickly to his new surroundings, she gave us all a gold star.